Frequently asked questions about Novel Corona virus, Covid19
❓Q1: I have been vaccinated against pneumonia. Am I immune to corona infection?
?A : Unfortunately, no. Pneumococcal vaccine and Hib vaccine do not give immunity to corona virus. Covid 19 is a relatively new disease, and research regarding the development of a vaccine against this disease is still in progress.
❓Q2: Is it true that the use of hand dryer will prevent the transmission of corona virus?
?A : No, using a hand dryer will not prevent you from being infected with corona virus. You need to wash your hands regularly using a hand rub containing alcohol or with soap and water. You may then dry your hands using a hand dryer or let the hands dry in atmospheric air.
❓Q3: Is it possible to kill the virus by spraying chlorine or alcohol onto the body?
?A: No, it is not possible to kill the virus that has already entered your body by using chlorine or alcohol spray. It might also be dangerous to use a spray, especially if it comes in contact with your eyes or mouth. However, external use of sprays can disinfect the skin, but their use should only be made in consultation with healthcare workers.
❓Q4: Can UV radiation kill corona virus?
?A: No, the use of UV radiation directly over the skin might lead to skin irritation.
❓Q5: Can eating garlic prevent me from contracting corona virus disease?
?A: No, garlic or any other spice is ineffective to prevent the contraction of Covid19 or any other viral diseases.
❓Q6: Can Indian curries (rasam, sambar etc.) prevent me from contracting corona virus disease?
?A: No, Indian curries do not prevent one from contracting Covid19 or any other viral disease.
❓Q7: Is it true that cow urine (gomutra) and cow dung have preventive properties against corona virus disease?
?A: No, cow urine and dung cannot prevent corona virus disease. These are also contaminated with microorganisms, which will in turn cause other diseases.
❓Q8: Are nasal drops helpful in preventing corona virus disease?
?A: No, nasal drops are not useful for preventing Covid19. However, those with common cold may get symptomatic relief by using nasal drops.
❓Q9: Does corona virus affect youngsters, elderly persons and children?
?A: Covid19 can affect people of all age groups. However, older individuals and those with other underlying diseases are more likely to develop complications of this disease than younger individuals. Therefore, it is important for people of all age groups to take precautions against spreading the disease.
❓Q10: Is thermal scanner a diagnostic tool for detecting corona virus infection?
?A: Thermal scanner can be used for detecting those individuals with higher than normal temperatures. This doesn’t mean that this device can detect corona virus infection. Not everyone with Covid19 infection have fever, so thermal scanners cannot detect all people with Covid19. Additionally, fever is a common symptom for several diseases other than Covid19, and thermal scanner cannot be used for differentiating Covid19 fever from other types of infections.
❓Q11: I saw on social media that there are remedies in homeopathy and Siddha medicine against corona virus? Is this true?
?A: No such medicines are effective against Covid19. The most important precaution that you can take is personal hygiene.
❓Q12: Are there any modern medicine drugs effective against corona virus?
?A: Not yet. Individuals diagnosed of Covid19 infection are symptomatically managed and also given supportive care, if necessary. It is important to approach modern medicine hospitals for treatment of infections to maximize your chances of recovery.
❓Q13: Can pet animals transmit corona virus?
?A: There has been one report of a dog being infected with Covid19. It is, therefore, imperative to reduce contact with animals. Wash your hands properly and maintain personal hygiene after touching or playing with animals. But at present much more importance should be given for preventing human to human transmission.
❓Q14: Are antibiotics effective against corona?
?A: No, antibiotics are not effective against corona virus. However, if a bacterial infection supersedes corona virus infection, antibiotics are helpful against the bacterial infection. Do not take antibiotics without the prescription from a doctor.
❓Q15: In the light of recent corona virus infections in China, is it dangerous to receive parcels sent from China?
?A: No, as of now. The virus is unlikely to survive on objects for an extended period of time.
❓Q16: Should I moist my mouth or sip water regularly to prevent corona virus infection?
?A: No such preventive measures have been proven to be effective. Drinking sufficient water is good for the body, so you can continue to do so. Please ensure that you are drinking safe and clean drinking water.
❓Q17: I read on Whatsapp that the virus can cause fibrosis of the lungs. I also read that one can check corona infection by breathing in as much air as possible and holding it for 10 seconds to diagnose the disease. Is this true?
?A: No, this is fake information. There are no such easy methods for diagnosing Covid19.
❓Q18: I heard from a friend that corona can be prevented by drinking warm rice soup with shreds of lemon in it. This is also said to be a preventive measure for cancer and hypertension. Is this true?
?A: No, rice soup containing shredded lemon will not prevent you from contracting Covid19. The preventive measure for corona virus infection is personal hygiene. It is also not true that rice soup can prevent cancers, hypertension or any other disease. Please approach your nearest hospital if you have a disease, instead of resorting to home remedies that lack scientific evidence.